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Woodland Wakeup

We boost community wellbeing with nature-connection projects for kids, adults & families.



Summary of services

Types of services offered WW runs engaging outdoor sessions for kids, families and adults in local green spaces: sessions are participant-led and meet the needs / interests of different groups, building a strong sense of community. Activities include building fires and shelters, campfire cooking, natural craft / tool work, exploring flora / fauna and mindfulness. WW is also setting up a permanent nature-education and wellbeing centre on an estate within North Ayrshire, a local authority with high social deprivation, in addition to East Renfrewshire as we have just recently secured land in this area.

Ready to purchase services from Woodland Wakeup?

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Duration: varies from 2 - 5 hours

Price range: £0-£35

Themes: Mental health and wellbeing, Nature, Outdoor learning

Target group: Ethnic minority communities, Men and/or boys only, Older people, People with disabilities, Women and/or girls only, Young people

Group size: Groups: large 10-30, Groups: small 2-10, Individuals

Delivery method: In-person

Service area: East Renfrewshire, North Ayrshire