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Shopmobility Renfrewshire

Shopmobilty Renfrewshire is the trading name of Shopmobility Paisley and District


Summary of services

Types of services offered Shopmobility Renfrewshire provides four sets of services to people with mobility disabilities in Renfrewshire to help them to move around and participate fully in social, economic and cultural activities. First, we provide the free daily hire of traditional wheelchairs, powerchairs and electric mobility scooters. We also offer longer term hires at a low cost. Second, we provide a repairs and maintenance service for mobility equipment. Third, we arrange opportunities for our clients to attend exciting events and enjoy the culture and social opportunities available in Renfrewshire. Fourth, we advocate on the behalf of anyone with a mobility disability in Renfrewshire and ensure that any policy and practices of organisations take them properly into account.

Ready to purchase services from Shopmobility Renfrewshire?

Complete an expression of interest form

Duration: We're open Monday - Saturday.

Price range: Daily hires of our equipment are free. It's £5 to hire a scooter and battery operated wheelchair and £1 to hire a manual wheelchair

Themes: Mental health and wellbeing

Target group: Dementia friendly, Older people, People with disabilities

Group size: Groups: small 2-10, Individuals

Delivery method: In-person, Online

Service area: Renfrewshire